lights in the city

Kids Conference • 1 June 2024

‘Lights in the City’ …each one of us has been given gifts and talents which we can use to impact and bless those around us. On 1 June, we will be hosting our annual Kids Conference and we can’t wait to spend this time together!  Let’s look beyond ourselves and understand that with Jesus in our lives, we can be intentional with how we use what God has given us. Through our worship, small group times, exciting workshops and lots more we are trusting that God will stir up a heart for us to be lights in this city and into the nations. 

HOST: Carolyn Russell and the History Makers Team

WHERE? Burning Lights Events Warehouse in Production City

WHEN? 1 June 2024 8:30am – 1pm (Parents welcome to join from 12.15–1pm) 

WHO? Year 1/KG2 – Year 7/Grade 6

conference schedule

08.30-09.15 am - Registration (crafts, games and other engaging activities set up for children as they arrive)

09.15-10.00 am - Welcome, Worship and an Introduction to the Conference

10.00-10.30 am - Small Group Discussions (divided into smaller age groups)

10.30-11.00 am - Snack (provided) and Chill Time

11.00-12.00 pm - Workshop Sessions

12.15-12.45 pm - All parents are invited into the main hall

13:00 pm - Conference ends