In our tithes and offerings we recognize that God provides for us and that we are committed to what he is doing in
and through the local church which we call family. For ways to give tithes and offerings, please email us by clicking the button below.
Galatians 6:2 says that we should share each other’s burdens and in this way obey the law of Christ. Many have felt encouraged and moved to help carry the needs of others in our community and further. So we have set up compassion@citylightsdubai.org to facilitate and care for our community by distributing food vouchers to those who have been affected by pay cuts or redundancies. If you are in need or would like to give, please get in contact with us through the email mentioned above.
City Lights has been traveling into Sri Lanka for many years. We have recently found out that 73 families (made up of pastors and church leaders) haven’t got access to basic needs. We, as a church, feel that our generosity can continue to go beyond our borders and support those families who are building the church in Sri Lanka. AED200 will support and feed a family for a month. In order for us to best administrate this much needed support, please follow this giving LINK and send a proof of payment to anneline@citylightsdubai.org.